Coin Gabbar Token

Coin Gabbar Token (CGT), BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xf3744F2a8B2B26896d55AD3F6d06a0382Bc00A19
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description (As per the token’s publication)
Coin Gabbar is a one of its kind Information and Research Marketplace in the Crypto space. We are working towards developing content in the Crypto Sphere which includes Cryptocurrency News in English/Hindi, Technical Blogs, Analysis articles, GEM Coins, Research Papers on Coins/Tokens, etc. Also, we provide technical charts and live CRYPTOCURRENCY PRICES along with the fundamentals like white papers, to help the users analyze the Crypto Assets in all possible aspects. The objective of the project is to provide the best information/news/research to the users so as to enable the users to take a wise and informed decisions in their Crypto Investments. Also, with an objective to connect the masses with the latest in the Crypto World, we are making a rich knowledge bank in the form of videos and articles, that shall develop a basic understanding of the Crypto World to any new entrant in the market.
