BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xc326806Bc8edD1ba03B0E8c8FEa8b152bc6258DD
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Description ( as published by the token …)
🔥ZooDAO is the first community-governed platform to enable users to generate passive income from NFTs, through gamification.
🔰NFT Battles🔰
🔥ZooDAO introduces exciting new elements to NFTs and DeFi: No-loss NFT Battles.
🔥NFT owners staking their digital assets in the the dApp wage battle against other NFT owners, with the community voting on the outcome of Battles by staking stablecoins and $ZOO in favour of their preferred NFTs.
🔰State Of The Art Integration🔰
🔥ZooDAO leverages the best technologies to keep users safe, maintain trust, and guarantee fairness. Integrating Aragon provides true autonomy and fairness to the DAO. Chainlink’s VRF guarantees fair play, providing true randomness to Battle outcomes. The DeFi protocols ZooDAO builds on delivers users organic yield, underpinning our rewards mechanism.
🌐 Website: https://zoodaos.com/
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoodaoss