
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x8fBBcb19804F9CA00b86c5C965b5911c3d130Cde
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

XRPLToken runs on the XRP Ledger, unlike some other blockchains there are zero gas fees. The XRP Ledger allows for transaction costs of less than a penny per transaction regardless of the value of the transaction. The XRP Ledger is also renowned for it’s transaction speed and security. The XRP Ledger is open-source and decentralised. Find out more about the XRP Ledger.

We recommend Xumm Wallet to store your XRPLToken. CLAIM FREE XRPLT NOW!

If you haven’t used Xumm Wallet before, please see our simple How To guide to get yourself setup and ready to store XRPLT. If you are completely new to the XRPL and you don’t own any XRP we recommend using Sologenic or Bitrue to get your XRP, of which a total of approximately 12 XRP is required to activate a self-custody XRP wallet and set a trustline.