BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x183F12bcF0938DA9ca773f549f71dDAa89665b23
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
(Missing or incorrect information, please contact us)

Description ( as published by the token …)


– Telegram bots. 3x Live, 20x total planned. Current group reach 500+ channels.
– Accounts have been purchased to take this TG service to 10x online bots shortly.
– Twitter bot, tested, working, online. 1x bot at the moment, this will increase soon.
– TikTok bot. (Working, just not online until more AI content is created for our TT acc.)

– more Twitter bots.
– Mass DM bot. (Code wrote, will be deploying shortly)
– Partnership bot (sits in telegram, will automatically post periodic messages in partners chat rooms broadcasting other partner tokens information/key updates.) This brings eyes to each others projects to an active investor base.

– TG token tracker; poocoin API triggers, 24h Volume, MC amount, dip alerts if MC drops 10%<
– YT bots (future expansion) – provide likes etc.

(This is a rolling filter and may become out of date until an administrator adjusts the values)

Last updated 26/12/22.