BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xEE71B74116Db3E5a1c8722d6c4b09e090163d075
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Description ( as published by the token …)
Tw football is a functional multi-utility meme token.
Why Tw football Token?
Tw footbalTwitterl️ football as a recent hot spot: Musk’s acquisition of Twitter + quadrennial (Qatar) World Cup event combination, double hot IP, we follow the trend, emerge suddenly, and make every effort to create the most bullish Meme token at the end of 2022.
We’ve learned a lot of tips and lessons from many meme coins, such as shib, Doge, babydoge, miniFoot ball, and we hope that Twitter football will inherit the advantages of the older generation of memes, return to the essence of memes, and we will become the best in the Binance chain and dog community and sports meme. It’s the perfect combination for us to build the greatest Meme community together.