Trico Network
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x9a3b9e9e4e6d73bb1e3af1e72b12c79c62f5a8b1
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
The heart of the decentralization.
Data is the backbone of any ecosystem. Trico Network ’s Protocol enables the implementation of a new kind of data aggregator, accessible on-chain on almost all EVM-compatible blockchains, making data integrated completely decentralized.
Trico Network is cross-chain, supporting almost all EVM compatible blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.
All the data collected and processed by Trico Network is completely accessible on-chain. Accessible for users and dApps.
Trico Network is fully decentralized by design, from data collection to processing and distribution.