BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xBB8D68540b110911ab23e92A58a4c95d633B2962
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
(Missing or incorrect information, please contact us)

Description ( as published by the token …)

⚡️Our Model⚡️
💠Our concept is designed from its inception to be straight forward and benefit the TRIBEX token holder; that simple.
💠Each $TRIBEX means a ticket in the AI-NFT lottery. The more you hold, the more chances to win a unique

⚡️AI-Generated Collectible⚡️
💠Each brand, athlete, singer, model, actor, influencer, among others, that works with TRIBE, has their own sequence interpreted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) adapted to different situations in their career to create their own unique and unrepeatable collectibles.

⚡️How can I earn free TRIBEX?⚡️
💠There is no airdrop, no contest, no nothing.The only way to get $TRIBEX is by buying it and/or through the staking pool.

⚡️How do I claim my free AI Collectible?⚡️
💠Every time there is a new release of TribePop NFTs, we will carry a limited amount lottery airdrop among the people holding TRIBEX.1 $TRIBEX = 1 Lottery Ticket.

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