
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x333cA2F4010D23ff374e91b3C73f48058778C4D1
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Description ( as published by the token …)

Brave Game is a metaverse chain game based on the exploration of the jungle starry sky. Players can obtain NFT props, physical rewards, and gold coins (GC) by playing the role of an explorer in the process of exploring the jungle starry sky.

Jumanji Box donates 150u to get a Jumanji Box, the blind box can randomly open the game NFT, each account address can hold up to 9 blind boxes

Wheel of Fortune
Players can also draw prizes through the lucky wheel while traditionally exploring to get gold coins: you can get physical objects, NFTs, gold coins, silver coins, etc., and you can get up to 320 times the reward
Free trade
Players can trade freely in the built-in trading market of the game. After Mint generates new blind boxes, players can sell blind boxes of new game characters through the trading market.
Card combination
A single account can hold multiple NFTs, and high-attribute NFTs can increase the number of explorations for players