BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x78819cc8e56B2508e2028ED4050826789FFb2dbb
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
SKYNET token is about to launch and will be used to pay for gas fees on the SKYNETDEX.COM exchange. Each buy and sell of any currently will trigger a transaction on the SKYNET Token.
Like BNB with binance, SKYNET will be used as a intermediate token for all trades on our exchange.
How do holders benefit? By holding SKYNET token you will earn 3% daily in BUSD directly deposited to the wallet holding the SKYNET token on a daily basis. Additionally the buying pressure created off each transaction on our dex not just SKYNET transactions triggers higher volume. Even when someone buys BNB or USDT on the SKYNET exchange the gas fees are paid in SKYNET Token.
Token distribution: 20% of the supply will remain out of the presale. 10% was sold to private investors at 2% each and 10% will be used to create a liquidity pool on our exchange