
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x7dA81f2f2e713EC32c9621Cb666F937C7b4B929f
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

Join the “ScoobyZilla” community today! With our token, you can have fun while investing in a unique and innovative project. “ScoobyZilla” is a cryptocurrency inspired by the beloved cartoon character, Scooby Doo. In addition to being a sound investment, “ScoobyZilla” is also a symbol of fun and adventure. Join us and be a part of the next big thing in the world of cryptocurrency! With “ScoobyZilla”, you can be sure that your investment will be both secure and enjoyable.

💰 + Earn: 1% sent to all holders
💰 + Liquidity: 1% added to liquidity
💰 + Burn: 1% of ScoobyZilla is burned
💰 + Fund: 2% to growth Fund
✅ Regular burns
✅ Regular earns

Investor security:
✅✅✅ Triple Audit – 87/100 Security Score
🔐 Liquidity lock time: 365 days
🔐 Lock token