BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x71d3cea7beb94664e3293ec9f4250b6c0d6ddeaa
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
a cryptocurrency that was created in April 2023 and is based on the Safemoon model and DOGE Hype of Elon Musk’s twitter LOGO. It is a token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Like Safemoon, Safemoon BlackDOGE has a unique tokenomics structure, which includes a 9% transaction fee. Of this fee, 1% is redistributed to existing Safemoon BlackDOGE holders, 4% to Marketing Fee, 3% as a Development Fee while the remaining 1% is added to the liquidity pool. Safemoon BlackDOGE aims to create a strong and dedicated community of supporters. Utilities of the tokens are: Swap(DEx), Staking, Launchpad, and Tweet BOT.