
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xe552bbA3040D31Aca73880fbd400A70C9B870495
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Description ( as published by the token …)

RewardTax is a multi-chain ecosystem including RSWAP, RBRIDGE, Negative tax (Tax as a Reward#TaaR), NFT Marketplace, and Staking on BSC. ✅Audit ✅ KYC ✅ Negative tax 4% ✅ 1% BUSD Rewards DAILY ✅ Exclusive NFTs for Presale Buyers ✅ RSWAP Test Ready ✅ Prediction Markets ✅ Low 50 BNB Softcap ✅ High APR Staking Ready ✅ Massive influencer marketing ✅ Listing on CMC, CG and other CEXs ✅No Unlocked Tokens ✅LP Locked for 1 year ✅