
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x94f7b2264E9E6F543DC159B3Bd987ccB139911Ec
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

About Quamfox
Quamfox is powered by cryptocurrency, using future-proof blockchain & smart contract technology to connect creators and investors like never before.

NFT Launchpad
Quamfox is a robust multi-chain platform to launch any NFTs.

Unlike other NFTs, Quamfox offer buyers a share in the content royalties. These groundbreaking NFTs will generate monthly royalty revenue and increase in value as a creator’s career progresses.

NFT owners can track this passive income and withdraw their earnings directly from their Quamfox wallet. Plus they’ll be tradable on the upcoming NFT Exchange.