
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xA3a7f7ccc7b3f5BE5828f92cC33Cf5cAfb027443
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

PlanetCats $CATCOIN

✅ Experienced Devs
✅ Diamond Handed Whales
✅ Low Listing Market Cap
✅ BUSD Rewards
✅ KYC & Audit

Don’t miss the the next 100x BSC GEM opportunity

PlanetCats wants to create a more sustainable world by using social and market forces. 1,000 days after the book of Catcoin has been published, it is time to unite businesses, industries and the most committed community members by erasing distances between what could not be imagined and what can be possible.

The Roadmap comes with a Bridge, Staking, Utility NFTs and the ultimate goal to generate carbon certificates for its investors.

✅ Audit
✅ KYC+ by Assure
✅ Marketing advisors
✅ Industry leaders with proven track records
✅ 30% burn at launch
✅ Regular burns
✅ Featured Assure Verified Project

Together we follow the mission of Tokenizing the Lungs of Planet Earth™.

Win your Whitelist Seat and 3 * 0.5 BNB here: