BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xcf8a50ea0137faaac1ecc331689c5f8199631cd5
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

The total amount of OX is 20,000 pieces; 5,300 pieces will be destroyed online
Two-way mutual conversion 0.001 two-way precise binding, 2% of the first generation, 3% of the second generation, forming a benign and stable advancement,
Buy and sell slippage is 5%, and the distribution is as follows: 3% plus lp violent dividend USDT
0.8% to AVE Hot Search Marketing.Technology.
1.2% goes directly back into the pot
Add pool lp permanent violent dividend trading transaction 3%; automatic execution of permanent dividend USDT
Recommending to add LP also has two generations of income, 3% and 5%