Mildchain Network
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xba14e57b89a8d9023ed8e549d5fda7b488f56d25
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
Mildchain is an acceleration and mitigation project created to solve the cumbersome and heavy nature of existing and future blockchains. It makes blockchains with high storage and high client speed requirements light and fast.
Stable Performance
When we remove the blocks that recover the distributed ledger technology and are closed, there will be a 37% reduction and error FIX advantage in blockchains.
Mobility and Speed
The fact that it takes up +50GB of space and the transaction speed potential is below -170% shows that blockchains are cumbersome and old-fashioned. A lightweight blockchain structure will eliminate these 2 problems.
Thanks to the RPC structures, you can only benefit from the technology in its lightened form, without having to manually download the block structures of the entire blockchain.