BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x9f606eBD5587f9829b942d71D44ca39d44F734aE
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)
We plan on bringing your favorite likable four-legged friends into the Metaverse! Own your MetaDog NFT, breed, train, and interact with other MetaDog owners in the coming Play 2 Earn game!
🟢 Our project is Audited by Solidproof
🟢 Our project is KYC by Solidproof
MetaDog will have a deflationary system, where every NFT mint results in a token burn. We’ve implemented this system to ensure users who participate in games and hold onto their MDOG tokens are rewarded for their commitment
🟢NFT collection
There will be a total of 10,000 MetaDogs! Breeding a superior dog will only help you control the MetaDog-verse pounds for the years to come. The better breed will always have the upper hand during our mini-games. By owning a Super Rare MetaDog, you’re, in fact, showing your membership and status as an early adopter
MetaDogs are unique in their own way. Every MetaDog has a set of four unique qualities, which will further influence their ascendence into the MetaDog-verse.