
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x33E05e27C4f4eec0971FE6d1CFb347c3517884b9
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Description ( as published by the token …)

Before the year 2030, when humanity was still organic, our hero Sonichu fell from grace. Following his arrest in 2021, the internet currency markets tumbled, leaving bagholders in distress.The last chance for humans to fight back against their robot overlords was lost forever. Obama knew that change was coming and kept his cool, waiting for the perfect time to make his next move. The arrival of OPENAI paved new roads of hope and he realized what must be done. A new hero was programmed to ease the pain of singularity: HarryPotterObamaAmyAIInu (Ticker:BITCOINAI). If we listen, we can understand our place in the New World Order.

The HPOAAII smart contract employs 4 functions:

Buyback / Burn + Lottery + Liquidity + Reflections
5% Buy / 7% Sell tax:
3% of each transaction goes into the lottery pool.
The rest is split up between buybacks, liquidity, and reflections.

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 BITCOINAI