Gamers around the World
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xdd43d4578056b96C79D86DAB8547A79295a540F5
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)
GamerToken is creating a marketplace for gamers to buy, sell, and design unique “non-fungible” in-game items.
Unique items, such as rare skins, are powered by the Binance smart chain standard, giving them their own unique digital signature and ownership history.
They are issued in limited quantities. E.g. 1000 limited edition legendary skins in honor of an esports champion or popular Twitch streamer.
GTX, the transactional currency for the users of the GamerToken ecosystem, is based on the Bep20 standard.
It will also be used as a reward mechanism for gamers’ achievements.
The democratic staking mechanism will also allow users to crowdfund item designs and invest in the game market.
With GAW app, many people can make a profit with minimal effort.