
BEP20 Token
Contract address:
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)

FitBurn emerges as the world’s first burn-to-earn application at the confluence of fitness and blockchain. In all pursuits, Fit Burn is based on one of most people’s most fundamental everyday activities: moving and exercising. By carrying a gamified T-Shirt NFT, users of the Fit Burn platform can earn money through our Calorie token (CAL). Fit Burn’s vision is to create its own ‘Eco-Payment System’ for the fitness & well-being industry.
This ecosystem allows users to utilize our CAL token to benefit, purchase, and pay the fees for all services and products that fall under the umbrella of ‘fitness & wellbeing,’ whether it’s activewear, supplements, F&B, etc.
We aim to expand rapidly using our brand and marketing momentum, build ties strong enough to be the go-to destination for all brands in the fitness & well-being industry on a global level, become our strategic partners, and join the revolutionary Crypto-Fitness movement we’ve created.