BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xE5bC80382F1EbAd820167714118201Ae468A9929
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)
What is Figments Club?
Figments Club develops NFTs and digital collectibles & We are building the strongest & wealthiest community by bringing incomparable digital collectibles that exist only in our imagination. Figments Club had been developing an NFT collection called “Stylized Figment” for almost five months which includes 5200 3D digital avatars that would be sold to the community after the Figment(FIGMA) token Presale ends. One of our dominant concerns in using $FIGMA Token is to fund the project’s product development as future NFT collection creation, Play-to-Earn games, and Figments metaverse development in the future. Apart from that, trading taxes of $FIGMA Token are a primary key player in funding the prize pool of our most effective reward system called FigmentsClub Boost Reward. Our next task in the Roadmap is to launch our products to the public market after the Presale and NFT sale end.