
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x7DDB6fd19dEE9D4483a855FA53008b05f7D7e12B
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Description ( as published by the token …)

🏆🎮FIFA2023🎮⚽️ The MEME tokens are born to meet the once-in-4-year world soccer carnival extravaganza, holding #FIFA2023 tokens will give you a chance to get soccer obvious signed jerseys. #FIFA2023 spend this carnival extravaganza together with you! ⚽️ Football star endorsements⚽️ BSC News ⚽️ Top Trending on Voting sites ⚽️ DEX Trending Marketing ⚽️ Huge Airdrop Rewards ⚽️Top 100 community Partnerships 💸 Low tax rate 5% ✅IMPORTANT RenounceOwnership ✅100% SAFU