
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xeE34Af939a75223571ac818f0958b67cba48cd01
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

One of the primary metrics and indicators of project health is “total value locked” (TVL). Staking pools, farms, and lockers can help facilitate a strong “base” holding of a project token. These services also incentivize users by providing rewards.

eVault aims to provide an integrated, easy-to-use solution for projects looking to maximize their TVL and provide passive reward opportunities to their users.

eVault is a digital asset staking platform where any project can register their token/pool, add rewards, and adjust parameters all within a matter of minutes. We believe in accessibility and autonomy and so offer an easy-to-use self-service platform for management of Vault staking services.

Rewards can be in the form of tokens, NFTs, and other forms of digital assets. A variety of options for projects, including timed pools, no-lock pools, farms, as well as customized solutions