BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x47Ac431887edF2Ed8796152e1322a093Ddf3fF27
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
Easygold Token is the first security token that makes gold investing seamless, secure and profitable through profit participation rights.
We are the first project to offer up to 50% profit participation to our investors through a Security Token.
The Easygold Token is a project created by Hartmann & Benz, LLC and
backed by a German company Hartmann & Benz, GmbH. Hartmann & Benz,
GmbH is a highly reputable and fully licensed company with a long history of
success in the precious metals market in the European markets.
The company has created the first security token that aims to make gold investing accessible and profitable for all investors without the hassle of trading futures or having to deal with storage. The token supports the company’s current, provenly successful operation model and allows it to
scale further to much greater heights.