Donald I

Donald I
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x173a55d6ee02fe2d0484f775e9252b2d77d35b77
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
(Missing or incorrect information, please contact us)

Description ( as published by the token …)

No one can send Twitter into a frenzy quite like
👑Donald J. Trump👑.He is the👑King of Tweets👑.
👑Donald I👑 is a man of many great accomplishments,
and we need him back on Twitter, tweeting and leading us!

Launched 19.12.22!

👑Supply 1,000,000👑

💰Tax buy/sell 8%
💰1% Liquidity
💰6% Marketing
💰1% Team/Dev
💰Maxt tx 2% Max wallet 2%