
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x7d18f3fe6e638fad0adacc5db1a47f871a2c2cc4
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

Most people that deal with crypto are here to make money, wondering to gain a huge income. And this is quite understandable. However, there is a fine point that often gets neglected – the coins or tokens without strong project support are very unlikely to reach the moon. That’s why we are here – to make this real. We combined a substantial tokenomic and true projects that have use cases. Our roadmap is a unique invention – we define the phases not by timeframes, but by the Value Leading System! We are going to provide new projects with zero kills, so that the more people trade our token – the more projects are launched. Investors’ trust in our token is built upon the value of our project and the tokenomic. We have the exclusive tokenomic that collects money for the treasury in order to use it for marketing and project-building. 5% of each buy/sell transaction will be taken for creating the projects demonstrated in our roadmap. The most essential benefit is the opportunity to have a stable passive income growth as 2% of each buy/sell