
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x6677B9Aaf964B643E1DDA104fC4b49d0ce522248
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Description ( as published by the token …)

[doge911],. Strong belief, strong consensus, indomitable spirit has become synonymous with the puppy community. Puppy community is a decentralized community in a real sense without the participation of project parties. 100% of $doge911 coins join the fund pool for fair launch, a total of 9.1 billion coins, full circulation, 2% tax, 0.5% reward doge to coin holders, 0.5% return to add liquidity in real time, 1% foundation marketing wallet is used to feed community ecological construction. $doge911 tax is very low, the pool LP has been locked, authority has been lost, join the 413 puppy community, and we create a coin circle myth, help the stable and orderly development of community ecological construction.