BEP20 Token
Contract address:
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
(Missing or incorrect information, please contact us)
Description ( as published by the token …)
Here with we present you CryptoBunnyClub🐰 to our upcoming Play 2 Earn project.
-Battle Royal function, where 100 Bunnies can battle against each other in the map to earn additional tokens in solo, co-op or as a team of 4.🎮
-Street Fight Bunnies where you can use tokens and face each other in a 1-vs-1 fight and much more.🤼♀️
Each bunny you mint has its own characteristics and has the ability to level up, which allows you to earn higher rewards. The Bunnies do not have a name yet, which we will create together with our community. We will present you the whitepaper, the roadmap and our tokenomics, where we will donate a part to children and institutions suffering from cancer.🎗