BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x192d6ACb2fcEFb5269F67910e693950C31a0e899
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Description ( as published by the token …)
🔥CloudTx Chain is Delegate Proof of Stake blockhain with almost zero fees & gas for transaction. CloudTx chain aims to balancing act between security, decentralization, and scalability. CloudTx strives to be the consumer and environmental friendly for mass adoption. CloudTx aims to create a complete, secure, cheap, scalable and environmental friendly blockchain ecosystems.
💠CloudTx Chain Overview💠
🔥CloudTx is powered by fast and low-cost EVM-compatible CloudTx Chain. The consensus that we use is Delegates Proof of Stake which requires a lower amount of energy consumption and is more scalable than Proof of Stake, as well as being more environmentally friendly than Proof of Work.
🔥The scalability Trilemma refers to a blockchain’s ability to balance three organic properties, which are its main principles. These three things include security, decentralization, and scalability.
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