BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x4E87cDbD5aAe383c2f03A22fF193aE15614D8170
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
BUSDv2 is the LARGEST BUSD REWARD TOKEN ever! Earning BUSD has never been more rewarding. Total BUSD Rewards of 20+% distributed to holders with each transaction. The more you HOLD, the more you EARN! ✅Biggest BUSD Rewards project to date ✅KYC ✅Interfi Audit: Outstanding Contract Award in Safety ✅99 Million Supply ✅Up to 25% rewards back to holders ✅Major CEX onboard after launch ✅No Disable Trading ✅No Mint function ✅No Max Sell ✅No Blacklist ✅No Max Wallet ✅5 huge utilities planned ✅CMC/CG fast track