BUSD Total Rewards
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xc2d2aff225ca94eb11656aa69e8c93f8f001a4de
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Description ( as published by the token …)
BUSD Total Rewards is the HIGHEST-PAYING BUSD Rewards Token ✅Launchpad Multi-Chain: BSC, ETH, AptosChain, Solana, Polygon, etc. ✅BEX (BUSDTR Dex) ✅Rewards Dashboard ✅BNFT (BUSDTR NFT’s of extreme rarity ✅Up to 24% of tax paid back in BUSD rewards ✅Coingecko/ Coinmarketcap Fast-Track. ✅All you have to do is buy and hold to earn PASSIVE INCOME. ✅Low risk/High Rewards ✅NO Blacklist ✅NO MAX SELL ✅NO MINT ✅NO Disable Trading ✅NO MAX Wallet