BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xAEed2e9fAA899eDfD7E6Dd95ED385BD9DacE04dd
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)
👁🗨 BNB Genesis Web3 Dashboard – All In One 👁🗨
BNB Genesis is a connected ecosystem of Advanced Analytics and Automation tools integrated into one intuitive dashboard interface.
⏰Launch Date: November 24, 15:00 UTC
⭕️ Contract Address: 0xAEed2e9fAA899eDfD7E6Dd95ED385BD9DacE04dd
⚡️ Tokenomics
BNBGenesis has a total supply of 100,000,000.
🎯 57% given as incentives for lenders and borrowers, released over a period of four years
🎯 20% given as incentives for BNBGenesis/BNB liquidity providers, released over a period of four years
🎯 5% reserved for airdrops and incentives related to marketing, contests, and incentivizing protocol use.
🎯 3% allocated for initial BNBGenesis liquidity.
🎯 15% to the team, vested linearly over 4 years.