
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x1E470F35C9DBB532915B27876B63D524533fE937
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)


100% secure utilitie project with a wide range of usecases to make a proper earning by holding BeanBoy.
With a Staking Dapp directly live at launch holders have the chance to stake their tokens for a high amount of APR. Combined with NFTs wich will offer you acces to our P2E gameroom all BeanBoy holders have the chance to gain constant passive income by all utilities being offered.

Join the future of passive income on the BSC-Chain with BeanBoy

✅Doxxed Team
✅Staking Dapp Live at launch
✅3 BNB liquidity added for launch
✅Buy back and burn events
✅Organised raids & contests
🔒Locked LP

🚨NFT minting
🚨P2E gameroom
🚨Cex listing(s)