
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xB23EBc974Ec8953E83a9F2303cd5be711245C3b0
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)

ℹ️Public sale (7.5% allocation)
Supply:150,000,000 BZR tokens allocated
🔓Fully unlocked

Token launch date:

⌛️ 24.12.2022 at 18:00 UTC ( 6:00 pm utc)

✅Contract: 0xB23EBc974Ec8953E83a9F2303cd5be711245C3b0

Launch platform: Pancakeswap ( 🥞
Chart: Poocoin💩


Notwithstanding the BZR distribution, users have no economic or legal right over or beneficial interest in the assets of the Company, the Distributor, or any of their affiliates after the token distribution. To the extent a secondary market or exchange for trading BZR does develop, it would be run and operated wholly independently of the Company, the Distributor, the distribution of BZR and the Balthazar platform.