Snowflake Token

Snowflake Token
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x02878FFf5d7CD4F8dc8eCB6701fc98c560fDC1b4
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)

Snowflake is a decentralized token that serves our planet. It is the first decentralized token that integrates profit with a good cause.

We created Snowflake with this simple philosophy that doubles as the fundamental aim of the company.

To us, it seems straightforward. Trees are nature’s way of absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. It means that as CO2 emission increases so does the need for more trees grows. Sadly, the reality is that the world is loosing trees.

We are planning to plant 10 million trees every year all around the world. We believe that we our work will positively impact the climate changes and we will provide better future for our children and grandchildren.