BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0x3ebbF90e9FB0E41aa88bb0d0c9f8a998a2a3dA2d
BscScan | Holders
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Description ( as published by the token …)
Meta Viral is the official token for
Meta Viral Token is a Single Dividend yield-generating contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in BUSD instead of tokens.
Every member of our team values transparency and straightforwardness. Come join our community! ✅ NO TEAM TOKENS! ✅ BUYBACK! ✅ BUSD AWARDS! ✅ TRUSTED TEAM! ✅ LIQUTITY LOCKED! ✅ Aggressive Marketing! ✅ LONG-TERM! ✅ FAIR LAUNCHED!