Game Guru
BEP20 Token
Contract address: 0xbc6E7b01F9E6c698282BAD7cf10748EA75cBB0eD
BscScan | Holders
Social profiles: Mail, Website, Twitter, Telegram channel, Telegram group
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Description ( as published by the token …)
What is GameGuru ?
🔥GameGuru is a decentralized gaming ecosystem that utilizes blockchain technology to enable players to participate in a safe and transparent digital gaming economy.
🔥By relying on its own utility token $GGT, the GameGuru Ecosystem will be able to provide :
💠 Safe e-Gift cards and digital gaming products via the first crypto gaming marketplace that connects only vetted wholesalers – Phase 1.
💠 Decentralized stabletoken $GEURO pegged to the EURO via backed #BNB assets within the smart contract – Phase 2.
💠 Secure way for players to trade directly, with each other, in-game assets via its P2P platform – Phase 3.
💠 Unique opportunity for players to build and participate in gaming tournaments/communities through its gaming social network – Phase 4.
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